Register Your Dealership With us
We need you professionals to give our customers the best service & product
Find The Dealership Page at our website
You can find the dealership Page link at the footer of our website, to log in to your dealership dashboard
Inactive to active
After registration, your account will still at an inactive state , you need to send us your SSM (Music School) ,
or IC photocopy to Activate your account
Note: This program is only for Music Schools , Music Shops , Music studios , Music Teachers only
Music Studio
Send your SSM Photocopy to us
Music Teacher
Send your IC Photocopy to us, We also may request your teaching photo/FB to verify the teacher status
Fill In Payment Bank Account
Fill In your bank account, This information can be filled when you earn your commission
For Company , your bank account's name must be the same as your company bank account' name
For Teachers , your bank account's name must be the same as the IC photocopy you provided